Personalised Vitamins and Nutraceutical Services

Are you always feeling tired and run down, and can’t understand why?

Or, do you suspect your health problems may be caused by some nutritional deficiency?

It is possible that you have a specific vitamin or mineral deficiency. Lifestyle (and particularly diet) and illness can play havoc with the nutrients your body needs for optimal health, but did you know that your genes may also play a role?

Not all equal

Your body is as entirely unique as your genetic make-up. Just as your genetics makes you look different from everyone else around you, it also influences the way that your body uptakes individual nutrients from the food you eat, and the way your body uses them. Genetic deficiencies occur when one or more of the body’s pathways for handling a nutrient (e.g. for its absorption from the gut, or for converting it from an inactive to an active form) does not function adequately.

In extreme cases of genetic deficiency, one may consume the correct amount of a specific nutrient—or even take a supplement—and not experience the health benefit of that nutrient.

For more information about some deficiencies, read our other posts about Key minerals and B group Vitamins, about how many Australians are deficient in Vitamin D, and about Folate deficiency and why folic acid supplements may NOT work.

Fortunately, a suite of tests are available to identify the causes of nutritional deficiencies. When a specific deficiency’s cause is known, it may be overcome by taking an appropriate supplement. Sometimes, no appropriate supplement is commercially available and can only be formulated in a compounding pharmacy.

What we offer

At Border Compounding Pharmacy, we offer a comprehensive nutrigenomic and nutraceutical service that may include any or all of the following:



  • Genetic testing for common nutritional processing defects
  • Formulation of custom nutritional supplements to suit your needs
  • Pathology testing for nutritional deficiencies

Please contact us to arrange our services, or to learn more about how we can help you.